A solution to “Symbol not found: _objc_readClassPair”

I’m using [Greenhouse CI](greenhouseci.com), they’ve got test machines running under OS X Mavericks. My iOS project was failing during attempt to run tests. Some googling brought to me several similar OS X issues mentioning 10.10 test deployment target being a culprit, and this issue gets fixed by setting target to 10.9

It appeared that the same solution applies to iOS projects - you need to set OS X Deployment Target to 10.9 for your iOS tests, and everything starts to work.


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Thread safe variable access, functional way. Part I.

Correctness of the threaded code has always been a concern. The common pattern is guarding some shared state with a serial dispatch queue: func setCounter(value: Int) { dispatch_async(syncQueue) { self.counter = value } } func... Continue →